GRASP (Greenland Recreational After-School Program), is a community-based, non-profit corporation which operates a school age Childcare Program monitored by a Volunteer Board of Directors. The program has been in operation since 1985 and is located at Greenland Public School. Although priority is given to students from Greenland Public School, children from neighbouring schools are also eligible for inclusion in the program. The focus of GRASP is to work in harmony with the family, the community and the school to provide an enriched, stimulating and safe environment for the children. The program includes arts and crafts and a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. The program is designed to meet the needs of children and ensure that children not only acquire new skills, but also form a positive self-image.


Our Mission

GRASP is committed to providing affordable non-profit childcare to our community through quality programing and qualified staff. Our mandate is to provide high quality childcare to our community, which is designed through pedagogy in a nurturing, child-focused environment at its core.

How Does Learning Happen?, Ontario's pedagogy for the early years is the foundation for our program. Pedagogy is the understanding of how learning takes place and the philosophy and practices that support that understanding. Children succeed in programs that focus on active learning through exploration, play and inquiry. Children are competent, capable, curious and rich in potential and thrive in programs where they and their families are valued as active participants and contributors


Foundations Goals for Children Expectations for Programs


Every child has the sense of belonging when he/she is connected to others and contributes to his/her world

Cultivate respectful relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging among and between children, adults and the world around them.


Every child is developing a sense of self and health and well-being

Nurture children's healthy development and support their growing sense of self


Every child is an active and engaged learner who explores the world with her/his senses, bodies and minds

Provide environments and experiences to engage children in active, creative and meaningful exploration and learning


Every child is a capable communicator who is able to express himself/herself in many ways

Foster communication and expression in all forms

Our programs are fluid in design with activities to suit each child’s needs through child initiated and staff supported experiences. We believe that children of all ages should have a pedagogy choice. Founded on this principal, the intent is to strengthen the quality of programming and ensure high quality experiences that lead to a positive outcome for the children’s learning, development, health and wellbeing those aliens with How Does Learning Happen?


A. Promote the health, safety and well-being of children, families and educators

Patterns of eating and physical activity that are established in early childhood continue into later life.

B. Support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents, child care providers and staff

GRASP encourages positive and responsive interactions among children, parents and staff. Families are experts on their own children and deserve to be engaged in a meaningful way that allows them to feel that they belong and are valued as GRASP families. Gaining knowledge about children from multiple perspectives helps ensure that programs also value the unique and diverse characteristics of the children’s families and the communities in which they live.

Strategies to Support and Strengthen Positive Interactions
Educators, children and parents are co-learners building on knowledge together. When we recognize and build on the strength of families and the love they have for their children, everyone benefits.

C. Encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate

Our staff creates engaging environments and experiences that foster positive interactions and encouraging ongoing communication among all children while keeping in mind their ability to self-regulate and individual needs. Self-regulation is about how a child is able to deal effectively with stressors and then recover. Educators support children`s developing ability to self-regulate by being responsive and attuned to children`s individual cues, arousal states, and responses to various stressors.

D. Foster the children’s exploration, play and inquiry;
Evidence from diverse fields of study tells us that when children are playing, they are learning

Through play and inquiry, young children practice ways of learning and interacting with the world around them that they will apply throughout their lives. Playrooms are planned to allow for children to move freely from area to area

Supporting Healthy Development and Learning

E. Plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences;

Children are active rather than passive participants in their own learning process and are competent, capable and curious individuals with rich potentials. Understanding that each child develops at their own rate, we foster the child’s exploration and inquirer through play. Children grow up in families with diverse social, cultural and linguistic perspectives, knowing this we make it an integral part of our program to ensure each child feels that they belong at GRASP and that they are a valuable contributor to our program with the opportunity to succeed.

Every GRASP staff should feel that they belong and they are an integral and valuable contributor of our program. All staff deserves the opportunity to engage in meaningful work.

F. Plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported;

When educators have an understanding of child development, they are able to provide experiences that challenge children to stretch just beyond what they know and can do.

G. Incorporate indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play, rest and quiet time, into the day, and give consideration to the individual needs of the children receiving child care;

Children thrive in indoor and outdoor spaces that invite them to investigate, imagine, think, create, solve problems and make meaning from their experiences. GRASP incorporates on a daily basis time for indoor and outdoor play, as well as quiet and active opportunities, while taking into consideration the individual child and their needs

H. Foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with parents about the program and their children

A shared view of families as competent and capable, curious and rich in experience informs our relationship with families and has a significant impact on children.

Educators engage in reciprocal relationships with families, learning about, with and from them. Educators share their professional knowledge and experiences and also seek out the knowledge and perspectives of families.

I. Involve local community partners and allow those partners to support the children, their families and staff

Opportunities to engage with people, places, and the natural world in the local environment help children, families and educators, and communities build connections. GREASP seeks involvement from our local community partners and allow them to support our program, parents and staff.

J. Support staff, home child care providers or others who interact with the children at a child care centre or home child care premises in relation to continuous professional learning

We support our staff at GRASP by seeking out continuous professional learning opportunities and embracing by considering opportunities present to us. We believe our staff are knowledgeable, caring, resourceful and they too bring diverse social, cultural and linguistic perspectives. Educators are lifelong learners. Our staff are rich in experiences, competent and capable individuals that collaborate with others to create engaging environments and experiences. When educators engage in continuous learning and questioning, exploring new ideas and adjusting practices, they achieve the best outcomes for children, families and themselves.

K. Document and review the impact of the strategies set out in clauses (a) to (j) on the children and their families

Early years curriculum is the sum total of experiences, activities and events that occur within an inclusive environment designed to foster children`s well-being, learning, and development and ensure meaningful participation for every child.

GRASP is committed to continuous improvement and our Program Statement is a fluid document reviewed and amended to meet the needs of children, families and educators.

GRASP Program Statement is reviewed annually with all educators/staff or at such time the Program Statement is modified. Staff, students and volunteers review the Program Statement prior to interacting with the children.